My Story
Hi, my name is Kelwin Guevara and I have a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Puerto Rico. I am a Full-stack web developer with 5+ years experience creating applications using the Laravel framework and Node.js. Experience implementing and developing API's using Neo4j, Redis, MySQL, MongoDB databases and WordPress and Joomla. I like to learn new things and practice new technologies. Experience in AWS Console and CLI for deploying and operating AWS services.

Personal Information
Name : Kelwin Guevara Ortiz
Age : 31 Years
Email : [email protected]
Address : Dallas, Texas
July 2015 - Present

TPiPR San Juan. P.R.
TPiPR San Juan. P.R.
- Frontend [Bootstrap, jQuery, Vue.js]
- Backend Laravel and Node JS
- AWS (VPC, S3, EC2, EFS, ELB,Route 53, CodeDeploy, RDS)
- Elastix PBX
- Phones VoIP
- CMS Joomla and WordPress
- Agile CRM
- Google Analytics
- SSL Certificate
- Server Administrator
- Backups
August – May 2015

University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
Computer Laboratory at ADEM department, work and study program Maintenance and repair of computers.
August - November 2014

Eaton Corporation Coamo, P.R.
Eaton Corporation Coamo, P.R.
Installation, configuration, maintenance of computers, technical support, installation of servers and SAN, installation and maintenance of printers and installation of phones (VoIP).